Friday, May 28, 2010

Vas Hermeticum.

The sealed vessel has been opened. But what lies inside?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We are the metals’ first nature and only source
    The highest tincture of the Art is made through us.
    No fountain and no water has my like
    I make both rich and poor both whole and sick.
    For healthful can I be and poisonous.

    Above is the translation of the Latin inscription that is beneath the first alchemical plate of the Rosarium Philosophorum. This first plate depicts the Mercurial Fountain which represents the sealed vessel or vas hermiticum. All lies within including the opposites. C.G. Jung believed this vessel perfectly represents the analytic relationship. We will be exploring in our own way how the unconscious waters from the fountain interplay with our conscious lives. We will alos be exploring literature, philosophy and analytic writings to develope a deeper understanding of ourselves. Much like the alchemists.

  3. So the sealed vessel represents the intimacy of the analytic relationship. It creates a controlled space wherein all contradictions can coexist and all that is hidden can be revealed. Imbalances can be counterbalanced by bringing forth opposites. But chaos can also be released where there once was control.

  4. Yes. The chaos is the prima materia (unconscious) from which the alchemists believed gold to be transformed.
