Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Century of the Self

This BBC production divided into 4 parts is an extraordinary exploration of the impact of psychoanalysis in the area of marketing both for the benefit of consumerism in manufacturing as well as politics. It is perfect shadow material contrasting the world of the Islamic extremist explored by Wright. We have been controlled by our own desires and unconscious needs fulfilled through knowledge gained by focus groups and infused in the products we purchase and the politicians we elect. It makes sense to me that there is a population of individuals resisting this indulgent life style for the retaking of the self by the ego, the master. Through denial of these indulgences one takes back control of the unconscious desires rather than simply submitting to them. The Islamic extremist experiences the ordinary American as embodying the possibility of annihilation of the self. To avoid this he simply blows himself up along with a few of those he believes is willing to swallow his soul.

1 comment:

  1. This polarization cannot endure. But what is the transcendent process that will lead to the unification of opposites?
