Sunday, October 3, 2010

Darkmotherscream strikes again.

I found out today that a guy I went to high school with is very sick. He was someone I looked up to and I felt I could never compete with him. The summer before went to college (the first time) He and I spent a weekend at Notre Dame University in a dorm. He knew someone there and he was planning on attending there in the fall and I was starting at Quincy College. I remember him reading the Book of Job while we were there. It was like a sabbatical and I walked the campus and was intrigued by the idea of going to the school buit did not feel I had his intelligence. I always wanted to be Nic. Your father met him at Maroon Club function or one of his many organizational functions and Nic gave him his number to give to me. I never called him.

Now he has been diagnosed with advanced heart disease from smoking and drinking alcohol. He is in the middle of a divorce and is alone. I plan to go see him. It will be difficult. The dragon has hold of another victim. The mother realm does not let go of its most promising, most talented. Darkmotherscream strikes again. Wish me luck.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about his illness. I don't know what could be more complex than the shadows of the past and present launching coordinated attacks. For what it is worth, I know of no one better suited than you to deal with such a challenging situation. Godspeed.
